Wednesday, September 08, 2004


This varies with the rate of consumption and with the rate at which the drinker's physical system absorbs and metabolizes alcohol. The higher the alcohol

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pancreas. Disorders of the nervous system can include neuritis, lapse of memory (blackouts), hallucinations, and extreme tremor as found in delirium

If you want to know how not to die of alcohol poisoning, you can read the full essay here.

ÇhËÂp €iÁLïš

I've been feeling really neglected recently, no good junk emails! I only have 2 to put up this update!

I am failing you!

G_e_n_e_r_i_c ciALIš

Unites States of America. Actually, the decleration wasn't even the officiol act
of seperation from Great Britian. That was done on June 7th, 1776, when