Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Selma Times Post : great article on jobs

Hello buddy

hoping to get a new c_orner office

We can assist you aquire the Special Leegal N0tes you insist you have

Do you want to be a Umbrellarepairer ?


Do not Be occupied because you dont have the necessary A'bilities

To St0p: Cal'l

see you
Ellis Shaw

Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc., San Diego, CA 92064-6802, United States of America
Phone: 256-144-2744
Mobile: 215-415-4813
Email: sckswiqcq@zoominternet.net
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The contents of this reply is for manipulation and should not be authenticate surcharge.

codomain immutable diminution
Time: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:10:33 -0500

What the fuck? I didn't send anything to the email or ring any of the numbers, but if you fancy it, go for it.

Friday, November 12, 2004


Are you lonely ?


Sorry, I saw this and thought it was just brilliant.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

RE:- fortüîtoüs rëlatîõnshîps...


säd märrîëd wõmën

crave êxträçurrïçulär_rêlätïons:


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re:/ tîmë for ëcon.-frëëdom - Boyton Marianne


Do you think it could be code?

You can go to the following almost unknown address for offer of zero-cost info/ops, go see this:

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family didnt mothers moment me appreciate laid? nobody after greatest way
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w Gen&eric €IALI$

corner of the world just for him. After a short love affair the young couple
married. But what the young wife found out after the marriage struck her much

This bit's from here,

Overall, 100 species of fleas are known to be infected by the plague bacillus.
Plague is transmitted to humans in two ways: -Mostly by being

that bit is from here,

keeping the public safe. As with every food, the FDA tests the altered food to
make sure that it is safe (Woods 2000). In other words, biotechnologically

and this bit is from here. What a lovely mix!


The prevention for the Sleeping Sickness is to try and eliminate to Tsetse Fly all together so that the people of Africa don't get infected. Another reason

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never-ending controversy. This controversy over the benefits and dangers of genetic engineering in humans, animals and plants will live on forever.

The bits around the edge are from an essay called, unsurprisingly, 'Sleeping Sickness'. You may wish to read it, I don't know.

Fwd: naturehandwriting

surprise climb doubt kindness afterwards friend much left office. usedto wind
repeat played school go action i" know person if minutes mother until equipped
mine possible tough, procedure thinking ill hoped education court field you
colour gym excellent eight hungry bent perhaps northern statement lot. pity
captain otherwise mean this wind decide" glad playing system promised white cost
hearing cover do. born poem laughing stopping, oh jealous bit wind big occurred
decision lonely above"
description nor wish sad four keep chair. year certainly green beginning begin
expect" difference face satisfaction half?
building sit surprise gentle! presently small particularly like bring regular
born she became several, hat destroy front then appreciate understand prettier
till grave, us return mind door might dress! bright thats learned under broken
within hope.
themselves take tears with dinner angry hoping pleased. height sea possible paid
they? sir hurried tying pocket days careful. well occur ache center. seeing when
deceive hes especially winter broken later,

This was from all the way back in September, but it doesn't make any more sense now than it did then.