Monday, February 14, 2005

Record breaking day on a penny!

This time the picture was all about stocks, shares and oil. There was even a picture of an oil pump!

Hang on while the images load...

I'm 52 now, riding a Harley for the last three, and I am caught by that same sense of melancholy as I rewind and play back the past riding season and think of how life has changed, and how I have changed with it. This is been the summer of rejuvination, of rekindling, and discovery. This was the year that my wife, my Harley, and I jelled. LOL This season she and I found new roads, new adventures, and new friends. In July she toured Scotland and England with her singing group and I took a round trip from Seattle to New Mexico. She braved new cultures and old traditions and I stared down a killer heat wave and monsoon conditions of the desert southwest. We partnered up on some memorable rides, some camping, and rides to meet strangers we now call friends who found us in Internet news groups. It has been memorable, fun and happy, and yet there is a tugging undertow that keeps drawing back at me. I've lost my big brother - not in the "fallen rider" sense, but in a heartfelt sense. He and I have lived near each other for years. He moved from SoCal to Oregon then to the Seattle area, I did the same. I bought a plane, he bought a plane. We flew some together, but not enough. I bought a Harley, he bought one, we rode some, did Sturgis together, but didn't get together enough. Possibly I thought he would always be there. But now he has moved from the area to south Reno and worse, has sold his Harley. I miss him. I miss the things we did, infrequent as they may have been. He is hail and hearty, to be sure, but he is too far away now, and it is hittin home how important it is to have close friends and family. I have that same feeling I had in the early 1970's - take care to appreciate each day, each friend, each loved one, and appreciate how each phase of life represents "The Good Old Days". How 'bout you all hoist one for my bro', dalep. He's doing the Jeep thing now, but I know he's still reading this group. dp

No idea whatsoever. How on earth did this end up in my inbox?

Strong news out after the bell today. Big watch for Monday

This email started with some big .gif file of a load of writing about a music download service, then it had this at the bottom:

rude, but this is theory only....and it is Microsofts'. I admit Bill is one of the best marketing man, but he has no respect from me in the technical and theoritical sence. ( he is the man who was against And it is wrong in theory too. A good operating system will sparate its own Hi, For some time I've noticed the "Visual Basic Forms" when importing resources in MSVC6. Today, for no other reason then idle curiosity I Googled for a while with no results, so I imported a VB form into a new Win32 proj, from a previous VB project to see what I'd end up with. I know little about dialogs (amongst other things :) so much of what I saw was a little foreign to me. However, from the little I do know I was quite surprised to learn that I could use a VB frm in a win32 app at all. Of course, actually implementing that is another story. The test project was vanilla Win32. It appears, at a very quick inspection, that the form is a simply a dialog? Does anyone know of any doc's tut's, other stuff, that I could read about this? TIA, Vince Morgan This is why Windows conceptually f....d, and no matter what Microsoft does, untill they move to an architecture that separates completely the user installed stuff from the OS, windows will have stability problems. By the way, I dont care about fashion, but rather simplicity and reliability and usability. I can install 15 copies of my software and they will happily run on the same computer simultaneously, and I think it is quite a problem, if not impossible with a program relying on the registry. The reliability of the registry? I am working with windows for the last 5 years at least, windows networks, supporting building and maintaining. This is my business. The most re-installs I had because of the registry, and almost only because of the registry got screwed up. And no-one fiddled with things went funny... Since my programs don't install anything into the registry, they don't seem to cause these kind of problems, neither are prone to them. Further more, in five years I had no cases when my ini file would have became corrupted, but for that case, I ahve omplemented a self check, and it will recreate the ini file if it doesnt exist. So in the case of a corruption of'the ini file, I only have to tell the user how to get to the folder, and get him to delete it. Try the same exercise with a corrupted Registry.... By the way, the "16 bit" seem to be a well accepted technology since Linux uses it to, and it's reliability tops windows' a few fold... Anyway, as a conclusion, I think I stick to the INI file, and wish you good luck with the registry, Regards, Tom

What do you reckon? A few people's emails mushed into one? Goodness knows, and it all means nothing to me. A GCSE in IT I may have, but I still don't understand computers.

hey there


Wanna S.Shhedd !ncheezz quuicckkk =20

eelse your moaney bauck

inetinternational . info

make sure to reemove spaces from the above address

Now that is some very interesting syntax they've chosen to use.

de cuidado na
que suas muitos palavra pessoa
"Quem de que abnegados,
trabalho, humano. leitos sua abra=E7ando

Now this is sort of Portugese for 'of care in that its much word person "Who of that self-sacrificing, work, human being stream beds its opens', whatever that means.

to say bye, inet international . info / r



Now the domain name for the email adress this was sent from was Worrying.


wasteful was shire therefore agway annex
anselm the barefoot for


well proven at-home t`eeth whiten,ing system

gootooo the we:eb ad`ddre`esss be.eloo:www

luscious this adjudge your anticipatory pendulum
acrylate is dakota to
curd this condemnatory
concierge then elysee

Teeth whitening system? Now that IS a new one on me! I've never been offered that before!


cänädä is the place to get your mëdicätions
the sävings äre hugë

I can only guess at what has fueled all the rage. Philadelphia was once center
stage in a young nation, the kind of place where Ben Franklin cared to spend
time when he wasn’t off gallivanting through Paris. Today it remains a giant,
but one that is largely ignored—somehow lost in translation between the two
great mediaopolises, New York and Washington. What little comes through is the
stuff of civic caricature, a town that showcases the statue of a celluloid boxer
and boasts of cheese steak as culinary adventure. It is rumored that the mayor
of Boston felt he was getting short shrift in that standard Super Bowl
wager—clam chowder vs. cheese steak—with his Philly counterpart; then he
realized that the gluey sandwiches might provide the perfect solution to
plugging all those leaks in our Big Dig.

OK, so this bit is from an MSN news website.

actor Richard Gere ha rechazado supuestamente una oferta que le hizo el
compositor y empresario teatral Andrew Lloyd Webber para interpretar en Londres
una nueva producción del famoso musical "The Sound of Music".

This bit, which means 'actor Richard Gere has rejected supposedly a supply that made the composer and theater industralist him Andrew Lloyd Webber to interpret in London a new production of the famous musical comedy "The Sound of Music"', is from somewhere in here.

If there is any common ground between Philly and Boston fans this week, it
resides in the heartfelt conviction that the Patriots will win the Super Bowl.
Or, more accurately, in the case of the Philly fans, that their Eagles will
lose. And it’s hard to get any argument from me with either side. The Patriots
have played in a far superior conference, have compiled a superior record and
have beaten its rivals more convincingly that the Eagles. New England warrants
every point of that touchdown margin by which it is favored.

And then back to the first website.


poach are exposition is rapport offantasia
pasteboard your messieurs is antagonistic and those
dismal in contrary is droll of erda
benight your chenille is administrate are address


Ca`ll no:w and one of our repre'senta.tives will assi`st you and the lo:ve=
d one`s,
whi,ch matt,er to you!

1 : 270 : 813 ` 0 8 0 8


quill is rectilinear of legion in killjoy
obstinate in dramaturgy if courage areroyce
amtrak of algaecide and cetera in nab
collide are tournament of ndjamena in demoniac

Can't you just imagine someone saying all that first and last bit really seriously, as if they don't know they're talking rubbish? no? Maybe it's just me then.


tannin is lethargy your cuprous in the vapid of burdensome
bedroom and christina was omnipresentdorothy upto cholinesterase
brisbane in stagecoach the infuse for shrinkage


Wanna S.Shhedd !ncheezz quuicckkk in 1 hr.

yea, I sai:d in 60 mi,nutes, else your monoey ba~ck

Coepy the li~nk beloaw and paaste in you. browseer

b y e

about fitness. info/r/index.html

re move spa ces from the above we b l ink

rag is detector your percy in the embouchure of eddy
advantageous and hermann was ferneryabundant upto derby
annulling in calumniate the emplace for downbeat

How bizarre.

using an 0nlinëPhärmäcy will säve you a lot of monëy

we beat the inflated prices you would päy at a store front phärmäcy

papa Juan Pablo II, aquejado en los últimos días de un proceso gripal, ha sido
internado "por prevención" en el Hospital Policlínico Gemelli de Roma,
informaron fuentes vaticanas. El Pontífice, de 84 años, fue trasladado al
hospital romano después de que a media tarde se confirmara desde la Santa Sede
de que su estado no revestía especiales problemas y de que incluso le había
desaparecido la fiebre que se le declaró el pasado domingo, pese a que persistía
la tos.

Poco antes, el portavoz vaticano, Joaquín Navarro Valls, dijo que el Papa
padecía "un proceso gripal caracterizado por esos síntomas tan bien conocidos
por millones de italianos en estas fechas" y que debido a ello "han sido
aplazadas las actividades previstas para los próximos días".

"En estos momentos -agregó- no se puede prever cuantos días durará esta
situación, pero lógicamente será un aplazamiento por breve espacio de tiempo",
añadió Navarro.

El Pontífice ha sido hospitalizado en la novena planta del Gemelli, el centro
sanitario católico ubicado en la zona noroeste de Roma, en el que fue operado
tras el atentado que sufrió en la plaza de San Pedro el 13 de mayo de 1981 y en
el que le fue extirpado un tumor benigno en el colon en 1992.

Ooo, I wonder what they're saying about the Pope...

'Pope Juan Pablo II, aquejado days of a gripal process in the last, has been committed "by prevention" in the Hospital Policlínico Gemelli of Rome, informed Vatican sources. The Pontiff, of 84 years, was transferred to the Roman hospital after in average afternoon he confirmed himself from Santa Sede with which its state did not have special problems and of which the fever had even disappeared him that declared Sunday the past to him, although the cough persisted. Shortly before, the Vatican spokesman, Navarrese Joaquin Valls, said that the Pope suffered "a gripal process characterized by those symptoms so well known by million of Italian in these dates" and that due to it "the activities anticipated for the next days have been postponed". "At the moment - he added - it is not possible to be anticipated whichever days will last this situation, but logically it will be a postponement by brief space of time", added Navarrese. The Pontiff has been hospitalized in the ninth plant of the Gemelli, the catholic sanitary center located in the zone the northwest of Rome, in which he was operated after the attack that underwent in the seat of San Pedro the 13 of May of 1981 and in that was extirpated him a benign tumor in the colon in 1992.'

Package Status, Shipment Number : 8FF28pz3W

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Those police officers are practicing driving between the two buildings.

I was trying to find out where this was from, but I could only find other people's junk emails that had contained this. How curious!

Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. -Sir James Dewar, Scientist (1877-1925)

Very nice, though some people don't think it was James Dewar who said it.

Joseph has just remembered walking.

Again, only found in other junk emails. Curiouser and curiouser...

brand name medications, well belowRetail

Guerrero indicó que su madre fue afectada física y emocionalmente y que se
encontraba en casa cuidando a los dos hijos de la pareja, un bebé de 6 meses y
un niño de 4 años. El más afectado "A mi madre no le duele tanto la cuchillada
que le dio (Balbontin), como le duele lo que está pensando el niño (de 4 años).
Le acaba de decir que va a matar a su papá, porque lo presenció todo, andaba
siguiendo a su mamá y bajó a pedir ayuda", dijo Guerrero. Ruth Calzadilla,
inquilina del segundo piso de los Balbontin, contó que fue la única vez que
escuchó pelear a la pareja, quienes son los propietarios de la residencia.
Describió a la víctima como una persona siempre interesada en mantener la casa
en buenas condiciones.
Molloy dijo que Balbontin ingresó al Departamento de Policía en 1991 y fue
asignado como patrullero en el Distrito 15. La Policía también confirmó que hace
dos años el oficial se vio involucrado en un tiroteo donde falleció una persona,
pero no fue responsabilizado por la muerte. El acusado deberá comparecer ante el
juez el próximo jueves al mediodía para que se le fije una fianza. La familia
Guerrero planea llevar el cuerpo de Arcelia a su tierra natal en Michoacán,

Or, if you prefer the English, 'Guerrero indicated that her mother was affected physical and emotionally and that was in house taking care of to both children of the pair, a baby of 6 months and a boy of 4 years. The most affected "my mother the cuchillada one does not hurt so much to him that it gave him (Balbontin), as it hurts to him what the boy is thinking (of 4 years). It finishes to him saying that it is going to kill his papa, because it was present at everything, it walked following his mother and it lowered to request aid ", said Guerrero. Ruth Calzadilla, renter of the second floor of the Balbontin, told that it was the only time that listened to fight to the pair, who are the proprietors of the residence. She described to the victim like a person always interested in maintaining the house in good conditions. Molloy said that Balbontin entered the Department of Police in 1991 and was assigned like patrol craft in District 15. Police also confirmed that two years ago the official was itself involved in a shooting where passed away a person, but was not made responsible by the death. The defendant will have to at noon appear before the judge the next Thursday so that a guarantee pays attention to him. The Guerrero family glides to take the body of Arcelia to her native earth in Michoacán, Mexico.'

Please, for your own sake, don't read this thing in full. I gots no idea why I have it, but they sent it anyway.

Congratulations to all members who joined in on SCXC last week. WOW, what a
great ride. The New Year is starting off with a bang just as we expected. Keep
the watch for the next coming week starting Tue. morning. Our opinion is, SCXC
will continue to surprise us. Check Friday's volume of over 15 Million! Members
who got in early are almost at a double.

Stocks and shares maybe? Not sure...

Stock Radar Presents,
Synergetic Technologies Inc.

Get ready members! SYGG is our new pick for this week. E-Bay contract
completed! Hold your horses back! A media Blitz for SYGG. (MASSIVE EXPOSURE,
you know what that means....) RADAR TIME.

SYGG? And what's that on a good day?

Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Retains TVA Productions to Develop and
Launch a National and International Media Blitz Campaign

TVA has designed a professional media blitz program which will center on TV,
print, radio, and the internet. TVA has entered into a written contract which
guarantees a minimum of 22,000 editorial placements, 100,000 eBroadcasts, 2,000
Internet Video Streams, all generating an estimated 43,000,000 viewer
impressions. The program includes a 90 second narrated Video News Release,
followed by up to 13 minutes of B-Roll and Sound Bites, distributed via
satellite and Beta Broadcast Masters for inclusion on national and local news
programs and talk shows. Also included is a 2 - 8 minute segment designed for
national TV newsmagazines such as "Business World News," "Entertainment World
News," numerous Consumer periodicals and "BTV - Business Television." The
program also includes radio content prepared to target radio audiences, such as
a 30-60 second Radio News release, which is professionally recorded and
distributed in script form and on CD to 6,600 radio stations for use on regular
news, music and talk shows. (Partial clip, go read the whole release by going to
yahoo or any financial news site now. It's important)

ABOUT TVA PRODUCTIONS. (In our opinion this is pretty serious) TVA Productions,
located in Studio City, California, has a 16 year history of providing cost
efficient, in-depth and effective media packages for Fortune 500 companies,
national brands, major advertising agencies, emerging companies and newly
launched products. TVA's list of past and present clients is impressive and
includes Lexus, Sony, Textron, Vivendi Universal, Westinghouse, Ogilvy and Hill
& Knowlton. TVA team members are among the best in the world and boast over 40
Golden Mike, Addy, Emmy, Clio, Telly and Aegis awards.

Look at some of the highly impressive recent news releases. Make sure you read
them now.

Why am I hearing about this? Why are they telling me?

Synergetic Technologies Inc., (OTC: SYGG) Signs Multi-Million Dollar Contract
With Australian Distributor for the South Pacific Rim

Synergetic Technologies Inc. Chosen by eBay, Inc. to Provide Surveillance
Systems for Utah Corporate Offices

Franchisee of Nations 4th Largest Pizza Chain of 2,800 Stores Selects Synergetic
Technologies for Surveillance Systems, Initial System Roll-Out Complete

Pizza? Where did that come from?

Synergetic Technologies Inc., Projects $10,000,000 in Revenues for 2005

If you are wondering how important SYGG's technology really is, we think this
will explain it best, The strength of the technology was realized when it
provided video surveillance of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick
Cheney for the Secret Service. The Secret Service was able to monitor the
President from remote locations during the opening and closing ceremonies of
2002 Winter Olympic games held in Salt Lake City, Utah.

And I should care why?

After viewing the company's video online we found out that The Peace Corps, the
U.S. Secret Service, Exxon Gas Stations, Chevron Gas Stations, Kentucky Fried
Chicken restaurants are all customers of Synergetic Technologies Inc. and now
added to this prestigious list is E-Bay. (Go to the company website please! The
web address is listed in current press releases.

We think this company is incredible.

Massive exposure is about to take place according to recent press releases, so
keep your eyes glued on SYGG starting right now and watch for more great news.

And then the tune changes...

Hey, thanks. If it ever becomes totally okay all of the week or they want
contracting done let me know.
Thank you for your email.
What email? I have gone ahead and reissued both checks to you.
Please allow sufficient time for delivery.

if you are no longer interested in getting this newsletter, please send us a
blank email. You can send us mail 24 hours a day. the address is
no $ $ $ $ tha$nks@ag$ $ $ ain$got$mail.$i$n$f$o$ (without dollar signs)

Please be sure to use a subject of "No Thanks" . If you have any complaints,
comments or questions about th
newsletter, please mail us at: e-Broadcast$Group$6Eftute$Ave. Kingston ten
Jamaica Wisconsin

Email at will!


TSUNAMI RELIEF tsunami tsunami tsunami

Hope this is still your email address. I know you're doing something
different now, but last i heard form your Dad, you still kept the haptek
I just want to know where you're going to be the next couple of weeks. I have
something to send you and didn't know if you're going to be at your parents'
house for Christmas or somewhere else. I guess for all I know, you could be in
Costa Rica or Australia -- I don't keep up very well, do I? I just stay in one
place all the time and I forget that younger folks move around a lot more than I
Anyhow, let me know your mailing address -- and let me know what you're up
to these days if you have time!
Tucked against an estuary where it meets the sea, and half a mile off the busy
road that runs the length of the west coast, Modera has missed out on the first
round of disaster relief. Sri Lankan and international aid teams swarmed to the
heavily damaged zones to the south and east, where most of the island nation's
30,000 deaths occurred.

At the end of the road by the river's edge, where the open-hulled net boats used
to unload their catch, a man whacks the tail off a single fish on the only
tile-cutting table to survive the tsunami. The other table

Hmm. I don't want to know about the tsunami in a junk email.

If this can be done by the 16th when her project is due, that would be
> >>>awesome. I'll get her to come to your wedding and you can meet her.

I'm getting married? Noo!

As you requested, we shipped this portion of your order separately to
give you quicker service. The remainder of your order will follow as
soon as those items become available.

There you can:
* Track order and shipment status
* Review estimated delivery dates
* Cancel unshipped items
* Return items
* And do much more

You can track the status of this order, and all your orders, online by
visiting Your Account

S lie broken in the sand surrounding what was once a popular open-air fish

And finally a lump from a news site. Why?

Immediate Size Gains

Another empty one! How can I gain inches if they won't tell me what to do?

dearth ëagër malës

gø_see- lîvëly married fem@les

lack fiery partners

data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories; instead of
my mouth. It was the clank of the levers and the swish of the leaking

Most of it is probably Sherlock Holmes, but I'm more interested in the middle bit - bauxiteheptanedolomitejosssuezcritic. Bauxite is aluminium ore, heptane is a petrochemical, dolomite is an ore of something else (can't remember what), then the last bit? Joss suez critic?

brand name medsAt greatly reduced rates

Los golpean, les quitan el dinero, el celular y la comida, dice una alerta de la
Policía. Los sospechosos, que han realizado alrededor de una docena de atracos
en Rogers Park en los dos últimos contra repartidores de comida de ese área, son
descritos por las víctimas como afroamericanos jóvenes. La Policía sigue la
pista "de cuatro o cinco sospechoso" relacionados a los asaltos, informó Robbin
Mohr, portavoz de la Policía. Según Mohr, la ola de incidentes inició el 26 de
noviembre. Señaló que la mayoría de los robos ocurrieron en las inmediaciones de
las cuadras 7000 N. Sheridan Rd. y 1600 W. Lunt Ave.
Choferes repartidores de diferentes restaurantes han sido asaltados, dijo
William Clukas, sargento del distrito Rogers Park. Asaltan dependiendo del tipo
de comida que tengan en su paladar en ese momento", señaló Clukas. En algunos
casos las víctimas fueron golpeadas y en otros amenazados con armas de fuego.
Hasta el momento nadie ha sido lesionado de gravedad, informó Clukas.

Apparently, this means, 'They strike them, clear the money to them, the cellular one and the food, says an alert of the Police. The suspects, who have made around a dozen of holdups in Rogers Park in both last against distributors of food of that area, are described by the victims like Afro-American young people. The Police follows related five or four the track "suspect" the assaults, informed Robbin Mohr, spokesman of the Police. According to Mohr, the wave of incidents initiated the 26 of November. It indicated that most of the robberies they happened in the environs of 7000 blocks N. Sheridan Rd. and 1600 W. Lunt Bird. Choferes distributing of different restaurants has been assaulted, said William Clukas, sergeant of the Rogers district Park. They assault depending on the type of food which they have in his paladar then ", indicated Clukas. In some cases the victims were struck and in others threatened firearms. Until the moment nobody has been injured of gravity, informed Clukas', but goodness knows where it comes from.

for your meds

Well, there wasn't actually anything in this email. It was blank! No cheap meds for me!



Is that it?

Looks like it.

to buyMeds

buying yourMeds 0nline will save you big money

dont pay ridiculous retail pricesFor yourMeds ever again

Las tradicionales actividades culturales este año comenzarán hoy, jueves, con un
concierto del cantautor Santiago Feliú y la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional en el
teatro habanero "Karl Marx". Las principales plazas y parques de la capital y
del resto del país acogerán las celebraciones animadas con bailes populares y
espectáculos de casi todas las manifestaciones artísticas, además de la música y
la danza, las artes plásticas y también el cine. Pero además se sumarán a estas
fiestas músicos de otros géneros como el rap, que en los últimos tiempos ocupa
importantes espacios en el panorama musical de la isla. De forma paralela, para
el 1 de enero el Ballet Nacional de Cuba realizará una gala especial en la que
estrenará la coreografía "El Combate" y escenificará un clásico de su
repertorio, "Cascanueces", de Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky.
Para los que no quieran "esclavizarse" en las cocinas de sus casas también este
año habrá solución. Numerosos restaurantes ofrecerán cenas de fin de año, en las
que se podrá degustar carnes de cerdo -que tiene una gran demanda popular en la
isla-, de pollo y de carnero. Los cubanos podrán, además, comprar la típica
paella en numerosos restaurantes preparados a tal efecto, o comprarla y
degustarla luego en sus domicilios.

Ooo! Cuba! 'The traditional cultural activities east year will begin today, Thursday, with a concert of the cantautor Santiago Feliú and the National Symphony orchestra in the Havanan theater "Karl Marx". The main seats and parks of the capital and the rest of the country will welcome the celebrations animated with popular dances and spectacles of almost all the artistic manifestations, in addition to the plastic music and dance, arts and also the cinema. But in addition they will be added to these musical celebrations of other sorts like rap, that lately occupies important spaces in the musical panorama of the island. Of parallel form, for the 1 of January National Ballet of Cuba it will make a special finery in which will release the choreography "the Combat" and will stage a classic one of its repertoire, "Nutcrackers", of Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. For that they do not want "to also enslave itself" in the kitchens of his houses this year will be solution. Numerous restaurants will offer suppers of year end, in which it will be possible to be tasted pig meats - that have a great popular demand in the island -, of chicken and sheep. The Cubans will be able, in addition, to to this end buy the typical paella in numerous prepared restaurants, or to buy it and to taste it in their addresses soon.' I'm liking these Spanish emails. I just hope they don't go all Sherlock on me. This is from here.


take a few mins and look at the medsWe have
and theSavings you willFind on all the listedMeds

una audaz serie de ataques coordinados, incluyendo un atentado con un coche
bomba cerca del Ministerio del Interior, dejaron el corazón de la capital saudí
lleno de cristales destrozados y automóviles dañados el miércoles por la noche.
La violencia incluyó un choque entre fuerzas de seguridad y milicianos que
disparaban armas cortas y arrojaban granadas en un vecindario del norte de Riad,
dijo la policía. La televisora Al Arabiya informó que siete milicianos murieron
en el tiroteo.
Los atentados ocurrieron dos semanas después de que Osama bin Laden, líder de la
red terrorista al-Qaida, exhortara a efectuar más ataques en su patria.

Or in English, 'an audacious series of coordinated attacks, including an attack with a car pump near the Department of the Interior, at night left to the heart of the full Saudi capital of destroyed crystals and damaged automobiles Wednesday. The violence included a shock between security forces and milicianos that shot sidearms and threw grenades in a vecindario of the north of Riad, said the police. The television transmitter To the Arabiya informed that seven milicianos died in the shooting. The attacks happened two weeks after Osama bin Laden, leader of the al-Qaida terrorist network, exhorted to mount more attacks in its mother country.' This is from something in Spanish.


lowerPriced Pharmaceuticals @ our CanadianPharmacy

The preseason All-America was injured Saturday night in the second-ranked
Jayhawks' 64-60 victory over South Carolina. X-rays revealed the thumb on his
non-shooting hand was severely sprained. Further testing showed there was tendon
The 6-foot-9 senior has had an injury-marred career at Kansas. He missed 28
games for various injuries over his first three seasons.
Keeping his key player healthy was a top priority for Self going into the
season. He had even cut back his practice time in hopes of easing him through an
injury-free year.
"We all feel for Wayne, but after visiting with Wayne, his family and all the
doctors who have seen him, I strongly encouraged Wayne to go through the
procedure," coach Bill Self said Monday night in a statement.
Earlier Monday, Self had told reporters he did not expect to know Simien's
status until Tuesday.

All this is from here, and means precisely nothing to me. Do we even know what sport it is that the eponymous Wayne plays?

Bah humbug!

I'm fed up of Sherlock Holmes thingies. No more of them! I get enough junk without them!

múst hávé/reãdy>fäçïlê_pärtnêrs

fîddlîng mªrried and singleladies

bég fór opên çompänïons:

lnlywvs*dot*com/zt = ztôp m@ails...

rushed towards it and pulled at the handle; but it was quite secure; and
Precisely so. We shall want you to come to-night by the last train.

Meh. Engineer's Thumb. Poo.


grandîosë nëëdy wõmën

în shortagë òf ardënt_malës:

\\\\\\\lnlywvs-dot-com/zt (to quit)

\\\\\\\two whom I had followed and a surpliced clergyman who seemed to be

Read the rest of this one here...

expostulatingmars Mon depart pour la France etait fixe aux premiers jours de mai

How cool is this? 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, in French!

hand. Perhaps you will have the kindness to wait in this room for a few

Engineer's Thumb again. Sherlock Holmes is boring me now.

frîvoüloüs_märried females:gø_tø_thîs_lînk

süpërt marrîëd fëmalës

ïnsuffïçïênt of désíróús pártnérs:


lonelywvs 999 (to quit)


paper-mills. Ha; ha; my boy; what do you make of that? His eyes been doing for
some time; and in order to help us in our operations we

Yup, it's the return of the Sherlock Holmes fetishist - the end bit comes from two stories: A Scandal in Bohemia and The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb. Go read.