Selma Times Post : great article on jobs
Hello buddy
hoping to get a new c_orner office
We can assist you aquire the Special Leegal N0tes you insist you have
Do you want to be a Umbrellarepairer ?
Do not Be occupied because you dont have the necessary A'bilities
To St0p: Cal'l
see you
Ellis Shaw
Alfa Scientific Designs, Inc., San Diego, CA 92064-6802, United States of America
Phone: 256-144-2744
Mobile: 215-415-4813
yoqur reply to thois confirmation message is not needed
The Login Name you chose is : "Soozan12"
This package is a 41 decade trial freeware
The contents of this reply is for manipulation and should not be authenticate surcharge.
codomain immutable diminution
Time: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:10:33 -0500
What the fuck? I didn't send anything to the email or ring any of the numbers, but if you fancy it, go for it.